Brick Arch Sewer Rehabilitation
Warren's epoxy coating system brings new life to a 100-year-old arched brick sewer
The city of Effingham, Illinois had a severely deteriorated large-diameter arch brick sewer that was over 100 years old. The shape and size of the brick arch changed approximately 25 times throughout the 2,100-foot alignment.
Initial inspection revealed the portions underneath two residential structures and one commercial structure needed structural reinforcement due to missing bricks and the condition of those remaining. Also, the sewer was a source of infiltration and contributed to combined sewer overflows for the city.
Due to the fluctuating dimensions and cross-sections of the sewer, specific rehabilitation methods were not feasible. Replacement or relocation was too costly. The team selected Warren Environmental’s epoxy coating system as the preferred option. The system’s ability to improve the structural integrity of the brick arch, encapsulate the interior to eliminate infiltration, and provide a barrier against further corrosion, made it the perfect solution for the city.
In the course of inspecting the sewer, the team determined that a large portion of the tunnel floor was missing and had to be rebuilt. Warren’s approved applicator created the new floor by laying a foundation of stone and rebar embedded with Warren’s epoxy.